Eric Conte Eric Conte

Stop trying to skirt the process

Remember the last time you were feelin’ yourself and you dreamt of all the ways you wished to grow and things to achieve? Yeah, that’s the same moment the universe said, “Oh, word, I gotchu!” The you turn around and are upset about the new obstacles in your path…. You played yourself!

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Eric Conte Eric Conte

Working with your goodies

There's a distinction between allowing and accepting. You don't have to accept that things are inherently flawed or unsatisfactory, but you must allow them to be as they are. Acknowledging our strengths and weaknesses is an act of self-acceptance and self-love.

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Eric Conte Eric Conte

The Communal Hustle

To think that we are ever doing anything by ourselves is ridiculous.

We are an interdependent species, right? We rely on each other in order to live our lives.

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Eric Conte Eric Conte

Embracing the Philosophy of Taking One Step at a Time

The philosophy of taking one step at a time is a gentle reminder that progress doesn't always happen in leaps and bounds. Instead, it's the accumulation of small, consistent actions that ultimately leads us toward our desired destination.

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Eric Conte Eric Conte

Big Baller Buddha

Buddha’s jumper ain’t pretty, but the boy can PIVOT! There are 5 main fears…

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Eric Conte Eric Conte

Trajectory > one moment

See it’s our trajectory that counts. As a coach, and as a person, I focus on the trajectory of my life more than any one point in time…

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Eric Conte Eric Conte


Trust is something the starts within ourselves. It’s built from inside out, not the other way around.

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