“Retire a story”

After catching up with a friend the other day, I left with a newfound bounce in my step. I met with Karen Gamble, a skilled hypnotherapist, at her cozy office in Ballard to chat about business and life. During our casual catch-up, she effortlessly guided me back to my own inner freedom. 

  We got to chatting about the workings of the conscious and subconscious minds since we both help our clients navigate them. The stories we tell ourselves and others help shape our sense of identity and how we interact with the world around us. There is no doubt that some stories are positive and uplift us, while others can derail us or keep us from evolving. 

The sneaky thing is, even what was once an uplifting story can keep us feeling trapped. Recently, I have been grappling with my own narrative around my snowboarding accident, my breakdown, and the ensuing rebuild of my health and life. Those 2 years were absolutely the most intense yet powerful times I’ve had. It is the foundation and inspiration for the work I now do as a health and wellness coach. However, lately I have been feeling a major contraction and bitterness about sharing my story. 

On one hand, my story is inspirational, authentic, and moving. It’s my bread and butter for talking about my business. It gives me a presence and credibility that you cannot buy. The tricky part is that I probably talk about this damn story 10-15 times a week. While immensely powerful, constantly revisiting this story has left me feeling disconnected and even a bit resentful. I feel like it is keeping me from expanding into a newer, more present version of myself, yet I feel tied to sharing it in order to grow my business. 

Karen helped me realize that sometimes, you need to “retire a story” you've been telling yourself. (I like that verbage better than “letting go” for whatever reason). I don’t quite know what will happen when I do, but one thing I can bet on is that any time you step into the unknown, magic happens. I am curious and excited to see what opens up and where life takes me as I retire of this piece of my daily identity. That piece of me will always be there, who knows when and if it will resurface. 

So I invite you to take stock of your stories and narratives that you consistently tell yourself or that you share with others. Is there one that is no longer serving you at this present time? One that you’re ready to just take some space from? It’s time to make space for something new to emerge. 

And if you're looking to permanently change those narratives, I urge you to work with Karen. Hypnosis offers a fast track to reshape the subconscious, and Karen's expertise ensures you're in good hands—whether in person or virtually. She adeptly addresses a wide range of issues for her clients, including addictions, sleep problems, and weight loss, among others.

Cheers to shaking up our identities and rewriting our stories! Life's too short to stick with self-narratives that hold us back. Let's embrace the power of change and create narratives that propel us forward into the vibrant, fulfilling lives we deserve.

Cheers y’all!

Check out Karen’s site and schedule a free chat to learn more on how she can move you forward.



The Communal Hustle


Embracing the Philosophy of Taking One Step at a Time