The Communal Hustle

Shout out to everyone out there today, hustlin to get their weeks started off right! 

Here is a big reminder that you don’t have to do it alone. 

I don’t know who needs to hear this right now, but I repeat, you ain’t gotta do it alone!

To think that we are ever doing anything by ourselves is ridiculous. 

We are an interdependent species, right? We rely on each other in order to live our lives. 

We got people who build roads. We got people who build technology. We got doctors, teachers, musicians: we got everything. The list goes on. 

You don’t have to do it alone, and to think you do often leads you down a hole that leaves you feeling stuck and heavy.

When you open up to the fact that you don’t have to do it alone, you re-frame that reaching out for support is not “weak” but "resourceful.” 

You get unstuck, and get to move forward by using the tools and skills of other people in order to help you feel better, get better, perform better, work better, etc. 

Whatever you are trying to improve, grow, or expand, I guarantee someone else can help assist you along the way.

But you gotta be open to the assist. You feel me?

So here’s to everyone being resourceful.

And honestly, open to the fact that we are an interdependent species. 

You don’t gotta do it alone. 

Get that ego out of here man.



Be Great in Your Lane


“Retire a story”