Be Great in Your Lane

On a crisp Friday evening not too long ago, I made my way to a local bar known for its live music. Live tunes always hit the spot for me, but this particular night held a special significance. You see, I was practically a groupie for the band performing that night—I knew a couple of the members from our college days. Despite juggling their day hustles, they still find time to grace stages across Seattle with their music, while also working on recording an EP. It's the kind of life that just oozes sweetness. Major shoutout to Brace Overjean and their killer music.

Before their set, I caught up with my buddy Joe, whom I hadn't seen in a while. We exchanged the highlights of our lives from a distance—his seemed like a beautiful flow of music, financial stability, and a loving relationship. From his perspective, my life appeared equally fulfilling.

As we chatted, I opened up about my entrepreneurial journey and the ongoing battle with self-doubt that seemed to shadow me week after week. Joe reciprocated with a story of his own, recalling a moment of existential questioning just hours before, until his other bandmate, Jimmy, snapped him back to reality with a reminder of their upcoming gig. Joe went on to deliver an electrifying performance that night.

That conversation lingered in my mind until recently. It's fascinating how easily we grow restless or discontent with our own lives, always yearning for something more, something different. Rarely at peace, forever wishing and hoping.

This phenomenon is all too common, fueled by societal messages urging us to constantly upgrade, to believe we're lacking, or that our circumstances could be better. And don't get me started on the incessant comparisons facilitated by social media—it's a rabbit hole of its own.

Whenever I find myself in the throes of self-doubt, it's usually because I'm comparing myself to others or to some idealized version of myself—past or future.

So here's the takeaway: I can promise you, many people admire what you've got going on. I've got immense love and respect for countless folks in my life, witnessing their unique journeys unfold from the sidelines. The root of unhappiness often lies in comparing our lives to others' and longing for something different.

We all hold a unique hand of cards in this game called life. Each of our lanes is its own fascinating journey. We can't live anyone else's life, so why not focus on being the best version of ourselves? Embrace your unique story, share it with the world, and let's marvel at each other's worlds.

Be great in your own lane—you never know who's watching, or is inspired by your journey.


Working with your goodies


The Communal Hustle