Workin with your energy

I want to reiterate the idea that self-care is a preventative health-care, while a majority of Western medicine is reactive, this is all proactive. When we are working with self-care we are working with ourselves energetically. Stress is the underlying cause for 99% of all illnesses so it’s imperative we know how to dispose of energy that doesn't serve us and align ourselves with what helps us love, heal, and ultimately care for ourselves. I can’t help but feel that many things I have learned on my own journey may resonate with you too, since after all, we are human beings. My goal is to help empower yourselves to feel your best, and through that shine your brightest. As always, these are not necessarily new or profound tips, but the simplicity in them is the whole point. Self love is the name of the game. A little goes a long way, so TREAT YO SELF.

Ways to get in-tune:

  • Most of us cannot actually correctly identify and name more than like 4-6 emotions. Let’s face it, we as a society have a low Emotional Intelligence (EQ). We either feel sad, happy, angry, mad, excited, or jealous. How many emotions can you identify in your daily experience? Notice how you describe your feelings these next few days. I guarantee you’re feeling more than 5 emotions, we just don’t have the words to acknowledge them. And once we have more vocabulary we can express ourselves more authentically. (S/o Brené Brown)

  • I cannot stress this enough, our bodies hold ALL our answers and are often our best North Star for ourselves. Do you have a general sense of stagnation today, or in your life in general? Do you feel “stuck”? It’s necessary to move the energy around in your body so you can be free flowy and peaceful. When we don’t move our bodies or the energy within them, it creates a breeding ground of disease. Often we can’t “think” our way out of feeling stuck, we have to move energy from within, then afterwards with the new space we created the clarity arrives. Use your breath, stretching, and movement.

  • Take yourself out on a self-date. Just you and yourself. My challenge to you is to try a new restaurant or experience. Get outside of your comfort zone or routines because this is where we get to see ourselves the most purely. Lots of magic happens when you let yourself flow to what you desire. You deserve some intentional YOU time. You deserve the world. Go have a mini adventure.


Trajectory > one moment

