Trajectory > one moment

Too often we get caught in our tiny zoomed in perspective of our immediate experience. Said in another way- we are tripping over one moment in time. We forget the zoomed out perspective of our lives. We forget OUR TRAJECTORY. 

As last year becomes a memory and the New Year approaches it is a natural moment to reflect and plan. This stretch each year brings the spectrum of emotions, for some it brings gratitude and inspiration, for others sadness and anxiety. Whatever you feel around this time of year is valid. 

Lately I have been reflecting on a common theme that continues to arise in my coaching with clients. With 2024 looming I believe it may be perfect timing to share with you a perspective and exercise to bring you some calm and confidence. 

A lot of my clients arrive in our weekly coaching calls feeling like they failed or underachieved on the past weeks’ Actions Steps. Maybe they did “some” or “partial” steps, or even missed them completely. Naturally they often show up feeling frustrated and worried. When we take a pause to reframe the present moment and zoom out to include where they were a week ago, a month ago, a year ago, 5 years ago… all of a sudden “today” (one blip on a the huge line graph of life) doesn’t feel as important or serious. 

When we zoom out we add context. When we zoom out, we add compassion and understanding. When we zoom out, we can see our TRAJECTORY of where we have been and where we are going. An immediate sense of calm and confidence arises when you have the mindfulness to place your immediate experience in the larger context of your life process. 

See it’s our trajectory that counts. As a coach, and as a person, I focus on the trajectory of my life more than any one point in time. Am I growing in ways that I want to be? Am I pointed in the direction of creating the future I desire? No need to beat myself up over a hard morning, a bad day, a tough week, a less than desirable year. There’s no way one moment or even a tough year can derail me from the positive trajectory I am on. I have way too much positive intention and momentum invested in where I am headed to really be able to “screw it all up.”

When my clients and I study their trajectory, they see that there isn’t a need to sweat the small things. Whatever they intended to do, but “failed” at last week, cannot even put a dent in the larger trajectory they have set themselves on. Our line graph of life is not perfectly linear. To expect that is to expect perfection. It’s the little changes and detours that add character and beauty to our lives. 

So however you are feeling around the turn of the year, I nudge you to take a moment to ZOOM out and study the present in the greater context of your life. You’re doing fantastic, I promise. 

Your trajectory is what matters most. Peace, love and blessings. Happy New Year to all.


Big Baller Buddha


Workin with your energy