Stop trying to skirt the process

You know that last time when you were feelin’ yourself, high on life, with no worries in the world? You know it? Maybe you were chilling on the couch on a sunny day relaxing, or maybe you were outside exercising. That moment, yeah, that one, when you started wishing for all sorts of things because you were feeling confident and ambitious. You felt dreamy and capable of creating something new in your life- whether it be an experience, a project, or something else. Yeah, that’s the same moment the universe was like, “oh word?! I gotchu!”

Then, soon after that high, maybe a few days later, what typically happens? Most likely, you experience a lower moment, some obstacles, or hard emotions. Well guess what? The god’s honest truth is that you asked for it. 

See, the universe is down to co-create with you. And when you set intentions while feeling such weighty emotions at your high- your asks, desires, and wishes are amplified. The universe is in full support of you, the problem is that most people aren’t down to do the work after making their requests. People be trying to skirt the damn process! 

When you say you want X the universe responds with, "no problemo,"  and then provides you with the exact steps that will help you grow towards that. Every obstacle is part of the path; don’t discount the low, acting like it’s not as valuable as the high

Everyone is confident and great when they are rested and comfortable, but a majority of people fade off when things get sticky. Call it what you like- growth mindset, grit, being a DOG- but you have to weather the storms to enjoy the sun.

The universe lights up your next step as soon as you take the one that’s available to you right now. Don’t overthink this; simplify, and it’ll all get strung together in the most magical way possible. 



Earth Day x Self-Care


Working with your goodies