Selfcare Health-Care

Think of self-care as a preventative health-care, while a majority of Western medicine is reactive, this is all proactive.

16 months ago I sustained a bad head and neck injury which initiated an entire Mind, Body,

Spirit (MBS) journey. Throughout my healing journey I have learned more than I ever

anticipated knowing about how to love, heal, and ultimately care for myself. I can’t help but feel

that many things I have learned may resonate with you too, since after all, we are human beings.

My goal is to help empower yourselves to feel your best, and through that shine your brightest.

Please note these are not necessarily new or profound tips, but the simplicity in them is the

whole point. Self love is the name of the game. A little goes a long way, so TREAT YO SELF.

I firmly believe to live a happy, fulfilled life we need to give attention to and FEED all three

aspects of our being daily- Mind, Body, and Spirit. With that being said, below are two tips in

each branch for this week:

MIND: Challenge and open your mind outside your mundane reality.

➔ Spend 10-15 minutes drawing and doodling. Create an image of

something/moment of your childhood. This doubles as a reflection on our

childhoods, which hold truths of who we are at our core.

BODY: Take care of the vehicle you live in. Maintenance is everything.

➔ Lotion up your entire body once a day. To the men, yes, it’s okay to take care of

your skin. Feel like a million bucks, and find your stride.

SPIRIT: Build faith in yourself, which is ultimately faith in the universe because when you believe that

you can handle anything, you will.

➔ Write out a Mantra for yourself this week. Be your own hype man, get yourself

juiced up or confident in your own abilities. Words are powerful, that’s why the

study of positive psychology/self-talk exists. Use it to your advantage.


Wisdom Nugget:

It’s easier to give than it is to receive. Most people would rather give a gift than receive one.

This comes from a mindset that we are somehow undeserving of good things happening to us.

So this week, accept with grace and gratitude, even if it feels awkward, because YOU DESERVE

IT. Just like anything, we have to practice any skill we want to develop. So sit back and receive

like your favorite NFL wide-out. Yee-haw!

Song of the week:

Grateful- Kota the Friend

Quote of the week:

“Ain’t no one gonna do it for you.” - Eric Conte July 2021

Some day deep in my depression, months into living with concussion symptoms all day

every day I realized no one was coming for me. No one, no matter how much they loved me,

could help me. The lesson here is that, you gotta do it for yourself. My whole MBS journey was

an education in Self-care, and the only one who could administer that was me. So cheers to you,

take care of yourself, because no one else can. You gotta learn to do it for you, daily. No one said

it was easy, but someone’s gotta do it, so how bout it?

All my love, thanks for reading, your’s truly



Habits, habits, habits