Habits, habits, habits

As a coach, I am a master of Habit change. I work with people on creating easy and sustainable tweaks to their lives that will stick.

Let’s talk about habits. Humans are creatures of habit. Whether we’re conscious of them

or not we have habits and routines for everything that we repeat more than once. Those could be

daily habits like brushing our teeth, or even weekly routines like cleaning our living space.

Bringing awareness to our routines and habits allows us to see what does and doesn’t serve us.

Like I said, we are creatures of habit, it’s inevitable that we live in routine ways. Why not

establish ways that better us?! Take charge and create good healthy habits because chances are

without conscious awareness you’re living in unhealthy or unproductive ways. Upgrade your

systems and elevate yourself.

Please don’t try and tackle all the habits you want to upgrade at once. Pick 2-3 areas you

want to focus on. Habits take about 21 days or 3 weeks to establish. After that window of time,

your habits take little mental effort; however, at the beginning of changing a behavior, it takes a

lot of mental effort and awareness. The deeper and more ingrained the habit, the more energy it

can be to change it. But don’t be discouraged, as I used to tell my 1st and 2nd graders “we can do

hard things.” It’s a mindset and a confidence that’s gotta come from within you. Empower yourself people! Start small and

build some momentum.




Selfcare Health-Care